Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The truth will set us free

Being honest with others lessens the burden of keeping a secret. It’s no wonder why kids have no problem saying what they think because they aren’t influenced by society’s standards for political correctness. By being real, it lessens the burden on you because you don’t have to hang out with people you don’t enjoy, you can just concentrate on being better friends with the people that you do enjoy. When there something on your mind, its necessary that you have the courage to bring it up, or else it will eat away at you and you can never be yourself around that person. Saying what’s on your mind will relieve you of that burden; thus, you can continue to be friends as you choose. You don’t have to be FRIENDS with everyone, or else, who would be your friend? You rate everyone you know on a scale, some are higher than others, and that’s done for a reason.
I hate people who laugh at those who are different. Who’s to say your better than ANYBODY? They might be different than you, but that doesn’t imply that they are any worse than you. Those who think like that need to get a fucken life and grow out of their high school selves. For me, I give everybody a chance to be my friend, if we don’t hit it off, I don’t write them off as people/future friends, it’s just that it doesn’t work out at this point in our lives. I hate talking shit about people behind their backs because it’s hurtful to the other person as well as yourself. Stop obsessing over being cool and saying the right things and just advertise yourself as is: the good and the bad. 

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