Tuesday, January 3, 2012


People seek happiness through many means, one of which is by surrounding themselves with people they deem happy. But doing so is like chasing a red herring because we must realize that happiness comes from within. Happiness is not a state of being rather it is a fleeting moment like everything else in life. Enjoy it while you can, but don’t seek it endlessly or else you will be constantly at the mercy of your surroundings. Instead, look for satisfaction: with yourself, with others, and with what you have accomplished. Put your life into perspective, you will be much happier and wiser beyond your years. I believe happiness is a choice, rather than a solution. People choose to be happy: people choose to look on the bright side of things, without hope, no one can be happy. But realize that when there is a yin, yang also accompanies it. But life and people live on a continuum, in doing so, one outweighs the other. In the case of hope and despair: it’s your choice which one you view as your guiding star. Know this, one will leave you content and the other will leave you feeling empty.

Life can only be what we make of it. If we are constantly dragged down by our own insecurities, our life will fall along with it. But if we embrace guiding principles of our lives, it will lift us off our feet into a world of exploration and wonder. Only you can choose the life for yourself. We only have one life, so make the most out of it. Impact others positively and the memory of your life will be everlasting. I wish you ALL the best, and may create your own destiny.

As we become smarter and smarter, we become less pig happy (ignorance is bliss). So as we age through this world, we should strive to be content, with ourselves and of others. 

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