Friday, December 30, 2011

yoyo w'sup

Yo, this is a message for all of y'all: Imma keep being me regardless of who tries to stop me from being me. I didn't change to appease to the girl that I thought I had a future with, so I'm definitely not changing to appease my boys. It shouldn't have to be this way. People should accept you for who you are. I'm open to suggestions to improve; however, this is who I am, and I can't deny that from myself and to others.

Make no mistake, being real is NOT about hurting others. In fact, NEVER hurt others, physically or emotionally because no one needs that shit in their lives. They already have enough issues on their own, so don’t burden them with more of your bullshit. Being real is about being honest: with yourself and with your friends. These statements only improve yourself and the other around you. We seemed to be too insecure of our own strengths/positive qualities that we fail to criticize when we see a wrongdoing. We are all great people capable of doing great things, we just have to make that choice and accept our responsibilities as human beings to care for one another.

Always know that life will ALWAYS eventually work itself out. “The night is darkest before the dawn.” There is always hope for the future. So just relax, be yourself, and accomplish the things that you seek.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Dear you,

I'm being real to help others. I'm real with my friends because I believe in them, I believe they can do better than how they currently are. As a friend, it is your responsibility to see to the well-being of another friend. Bring the man up, not drag him down. Grow together rather than fighting to see who comes out on top. Life isn't every man for himself, rather it's every man to himself, but FOR the man next to him. Change comes from within, a friend's job is to show the suffering friend that there is an outlet for change. Today, I said what needed to be said. If I hadn't said what I did, it would have consumed my mind and drowned our friendship away. I'm proud that I had the balls to bring it up, I hope real change can come from all this. On a global scale, it seems like society is stagnating, not really changing for our ruthless politicians than can barely push the political process. Maybe this is the most stable lifestyle where change is gradual in increments. But in a micro level, people are changing all around, and don't let that pass you by. I don't want life to pass you by, join in and take part of change. Listen to your heart and follow what it tells you to do. Don't worry so much, do what makes you happy, then let life come to you. Don't give a fuck what other people think, only care about what YOU think of yourself. You can't control what's on other people's mind, the best way is to ignore that instinct and...

Entertainment functions solely as its definition states. I say it serves to distract us from our real world problems. If a person becomes consumed in entertainment, he is constantly distracted by it; therefore, he cannot listen to his heart and realize what they truly want. Books are not for entertainment, they are for learning and growing into a more well-rounded person. Read what interests you and become a better man. I hope these words can speak to you, and I would love for you to share your thoughts with me as well. Life is just a bunch of connections, and I want to connect with as many people as I can. Always know that there will ALWAYS be people out there who care about you and love you. Open your heart up and there will always be support. Human beings are capable of great kindness because we are all one species. No matter how hard we try to deny it, we are all inextricable intertwined. We constantly worry about what other think of us, it's because WE CARE. So share yourself with others, listen, and they'll always be people willing to lend a helping hand. Fuck these social constructs such as racial biases, gender norms, and idealized portrayals of man/woman. THIS SHIT DOES NOT MATTER. It only matters what's in your heart, and only YOU can decide what's good for you. It takes time to a better man, that's what the journey of life is. Be patient and you'll eventually find your way. I love you all and I'm willing to help.
